Monday, September 02, 2002

Here's a NY Post article about Batman! the Musical...

You read that right. Batman! the Musical...

Now, normally you'd think my "what the fuck?" expression here would translate to something like "They aren't seriously thinking about making 'Batman! the Musical?!?'" But honestly, I'm more aghast that the sonsabitches stole my idea. I had been dreaming of how to bring Batman to the stage since Tim Burton directed the first Dark Knight blockbuster. At least, he's on board to direct this. And the music will be done by Jim Steinman, a.k.a. the music man beyond Meatloaf.

I remember trying to figure out how to make Batman fly on stage and how to go from Bruce Wayne costume to The Cape Crusader outfit with it taking only a theater second. I wanted to hire Prince, or whatever he calls himself now, to do the score.

Yeah, I was a weird kid...

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