I was nominated for a Emmy Award. Click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page if you don't believe me. Look at category#57 - On-Air Station Promotion Campaign. My "Passion for Sports" Campaign is nominated for a friggin' Emmy. WOW! I'm rather excited about the nomination, but I'm not getting my hopes up on winning. I haven't seen the other two spots I'm up against and really I'm not in this line of work for the awards. Granted, it would be nice to stick that statue up on the mantle. But, it doesn't really matter 'cause there still will be starving people in China, our troops and the Iraqi people will still be fighting the insurgency...
That's always been my attitude about my line of work... If I really fuck up something at work, no one is doing to die. That thought keeps me sane. It's only television; it ain't rocket science or splitting atoms. Still it's not a bad thing to be recognized as one of the best in my field locally...
The Award Presentions are in September, but I doubt I'll go. It's being held in Cleveland. That's doable for the weekend, but it also means I have to go to Cleveland...
By the way, it's the same kind of statue that Oprah, Letterman, Wayne Brady, Susan Lucci, E. R., etc have all received...
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