Monday, February 16, 2004

The Big, Big, Really Big Big News

I'm moving. To Indianapolis. Transferring in there through the company. Much better pay. A promotion at that. Senior Promotions Producer. Woo Woo! How ya like me now?

As you can see, big, big things have been happening in my life and I haven't wanted to share a lot of them with you. Sorry about that, but that's my prerogative. There's probably a lot more I can say about my life and the changes in it. But, right now I don't. Again, my prerogative. You'll just have to deal.

I suppose I'll have to tell the Houston Blogger folks that I'm no longer going to be a Houston blogger. I suppose I'll have to get on some Indiana/Indianapolis Blogger list. That, of course, depends on if I want to keep this place up after the big move. I will be without a computer for a while, so this place will begin to collect dust. But, hopefully, it won't be too long before I break out the lemon fresh Pledge and clean this place up. Maybe it'll even give me a new purpose for blogging. I've kind of lost the... want... to blog. But, seeing how I'll be alone for a while in a new, unfamiliar place, I can see how blogging more regularly would be beneficial. The wife and kid would join me in the summer after he's done with school.

Looks like I was 2/3 right about the Super Bowl. The Pats won on a last second Adam Vinteri kick from 30+ yards out, but I got the score wrong. Oh well, 2 outta 3 ain't bad, especially with what I consider the best goddamn Super Bowl game in my living history. Damn that was a good game...

So back to the moving, probably my last day in Houston will be around March 9th. I'm starting the new job on March 15th. And, I must say that I'm rather quite excited about this particular change. Indianapolis has seasons and snow. And, the Colts. Most of my favorite football teams are associated with the Colts in some way. One, I like the Colts. Two, they play the Texans twice a year, so I can see two of my favorite teams play each other live in person at least once a season. Three, Peyton Manning is the son of Archie Manning, who was one of the greatest QB's in New Orleans Saints franchise history. Ok, that's not saying much... There's Archie and Aaron Brooks, and Archie is easily the better. Fourthly, the Colts have a damn good chance at winning the next year's Super Bowl.

I don't think that this will be the last post before the move, so stay tuned...

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