Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's Over

In the words of my man Roy Orbison, "It's over, it's over. It's OOOOOOooooVer!" The show that is. And, as much as I enjoy "Into The Woods," I'm a billion times happy this experience is over. I'll miss a bunch of the folks. I thanked most of the ones I needed to for always making me feel welcome. I missed a few people 'cause I couldn't find them at a good time to tell them. There are a handful I would love to work with again, a few I hope to keep in touch with on at least a semi-regular basis.

But, overall, this was not a great experience for me. The show was great, don't get me wrong. I'm happy to have been apart of the stage show. But, man, acting is a hobby for me, not a career or anything. So, I'm at the point in my life where I think I'd rather be involved with a mediocre show with good people who appreciate all the little things and "little people" than the greatest show with all kinds of issues and problems backstage. I usually crash for a few days, sad the show is over. But, I don't think that'll be the case this time.

Maybe it's my personality, but I had trouble feeling like I fit in this crowd. A lot of the time I felt kind of invisible. There were a few people who I always felt welcomed by and enjoyed thier company. One lady in particular I had a great conversations with, but in the end, I think I saw how invisible I was. At least, that's how I felt.

Thank you to all the folks who always made me feel welcome and made this experience as great as it could have been. I'll miss seeing your faces and I hope we'll work together again in some capacity.

Holy crap, we had 126 people audition for Cinderella. Call backs are later tonight. We probably could use more men, but that's pretty much been standard. Oh, did I not mention I'm assistant producing this show for CCP? Guess that long needed break isn't happening yet.

And at some point, we have to move. Yes, that's right. We got the house all nice and closed on. But that's a story for another time.

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