This is Stage 1 of Clean Shave 2007. The part I play in The Scarlet Pimpernel requires me to be clean shaven. I'll probably still have sideburns though. This is a look that my son has asked me to do for a while. He likes it because it's Triple H's beard. I like it because I'm damn sexy with it, right? (*crickets*)
So, everyday, I'll shave a little bit more until the look is complete and I'll do my best to post a new picture everyday. All I have is my wife's camera phone so this will have to do.
And, no, I'm not afraid of looking like a fool. In fact, I've learned that you can't be afraid to look stupid in front of others. You miss out on a lot of opportunity if you're afraid of looking stupid. And, at least to me, I look pretty silly with a naked face. It's the dreaded Plaisance double chin I inherited from my mother's side of the family. It's ok to laugh, that's what I'm here for... to make someone laugh...
The show opens Friday. Click here for tickets and show times.
i am now trying to think of the last time i saw you clean shaven...or the last time i saw you...
Rock on Mike.......looks cool!!
Looks cool Mike.....Rock On !!!!!!!
Nicole (received through myspace)
Interesting! You look a little like Gene Shallit.
Bootsy (received through myspace)
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